Curriculum vitae (English with publications)

Fabrizio Eva –  Curriculum vitae (English) (2023)

1975 – Laurea (4 years university degree) in Italian Modern Literature, specialization Geography and History.


2001 – 2021 = Annual Contract Professor, University Cà Foscari Venice, city of Treviso campus. Course: ‘Political and Economic Geography’.

2016-17 = professor on contract, Collegio Internazionale (College for merit), University Cà Foscari Venice, San Servolo island campus, Venice. Course: ‘Political and Economic Geography’ within the Global Asian Studies.

November 2013 and 2014, lectures of Political and Economic Geography in the Master ELEO (Economy and Language of Eastern Europe), Treviso campus of  Cà Foscari Venice University.

November 2012 and 2013 lectures of Political and Economic Geography in the Master on International Cooperation, ISPI (Institute of Studies on International Politics), Milan.

2011/12, three courses in Cà Foscari Venice campus: Political Economy of Eastern Asia MOD2 (Japan and China), Corporate Economy MOD2 (Japan), Economy of Eastern Asia MOD2 (Japan).

2005/06 = Annual Contract Professor, University of Piemonte Orientale, Domodossola campus: Geography and Geoeconomy of Tourism.

1995 – 1998, 1999-2001 = Annual Contract Professor, University of Milan. Course: ‘Contemporary Geopolitical Dynamics: Methodologies and Interpretations’.

1985 – 2009 = Teacher of Geography in the Senior High School (Istituto Professionale Statale per i Servizi Commerciali e Turistici “Oriani-Mazzini”, detached seat in Corso di Porta Vigentina 15, 20122 Milano).

1999 – 2009 = Training Supervisor in the post-graduate courses for future teachers in the Specialization School SILSIS-MI, University of Milan.

Other =

2015 – 2019 : lessons on Political Geography to group of High School students for I.D.A. (Italian Diplomatic Academy),  Via Leoncino, 5 – 37121  Verona,

2013 – present : lectures on Geopolitical Crisis Areas for the ‘Free Time University’, Municipality of Melzo (Province of Milan).

2004 – present : lectures on Geopolitical Crisis Areas for the ‘Free Time University’, Municipality of Vimercate (Province of Milan).

2001 – present : lectures on Geopolitical Crisis Areas for the ‘Free Time University’, Municipality of Agrate (Province of Milan).

1997 – 2014 : lectures on Geopolitical Crisis Areas for the ‘Three Ages University’, Municipality of Arcore (Province of Milan). Since 2016 for the Agorarcore, cultural association, Arcore.

1995 – present : lectures on Geopolitical Crisis Areas for the ‘Anni e Vita’ Association, Municipality of Monza (Province of Milan).

1992 – present : expert in geo-economic and geopolitical topics for special lectures addressed to Senior High School students.
Since 1983: expert in geographical topics, lecturer on educational psychology and class/students management themes in teacher refresher courses organized by Centro Studi, C.I.D.I., C.E.S.P.I., A.I.I.G., I.R.R.E. (former I.R.R.S.A.E.), Public Education National Ministry.

1995/96 – present = University Courses.
1999-2009 = Group supervisor in the biennial training courses for future teachers organized by SILSIS-MI, State University of Milan.
1995 – 2000 = Student Tutorship (pastoral care) in the Senior High School (Istituto Professionale Statale per i Servizi Commerciali “G.Mazzini”, corso di Porta Vigentina 15, 20122 Milano – Fax ++ 39 2 58314272)
1979 – 2009 = Senior High School teacher; subject: Economic Geography, Touristic Geography.
1977 – 1979 = Professional (Vocational) School teacher; subject: General Culture.
1975 – 1977 = Junior High School teacher; subject: General Culture.

2007 – Video-interview in the added contents for the DVD version of the Alfonso Cuaron’s movie Children of Men. Other personalities interviewed: Naomi Klein, James Lovelock, John Gray, Saskia Sassen, Tzvetan Todorov, Slavoj Zizek.

Peer reviewer for the international reviews Geopolitics (5 times), Political Geography (4), The Arab World Geographer (2), Geografiska Annaler (1), Zapruder (on line review, 1). Rivista Geografica Italiana (1), Géographie et Culture (1).

1992 – 1998 = Garzanti Editore, didactic advice, revision and text for geographical textbooks for Technical and Professional (Vocational) Senior High Schools.
1991-1993 = Encyclopaedia Britannica (Italian version), geographical advice, revision and new geographical Italian headwords.
1990 = text revision of the volumes ‘Popoli e Nazioni’, Time/Life.
1990 = geographical advice for Italian edition of ‘Atlante dell’Economia’, Zanichelli Editore.
1990 = Garzanti Editore, revision of the second and third volumes of geographical textbooks for Junior High Schools.
1984 = Rizzoli Editore, revision geographical headwords of ‘Enciclopedia per Ragazzi’.
1980 = Fabbri Editori (with Luigi Bianchi), revision and text for geographical contents of the encyclopaedia for young people ‘Capire’.

Since 2019 podcasts and video (commented power point), mainly in Italian, some in English, about current geopolitical dynamics on Youtube. Only the audio podcasts in Italian on Spreaker, Anchor, Spotify.


-“Using an Anarchist Approach in Geopolitics and in the Borders–Migration Issues: Mission (Im)possible?”, BoMoCult (Borders, Mobilities, Cultures) Seminar 2017 – Engaging Borders as a Site of Encounters: New Directions in Interdisciplinary Research, 12-13 October 2017,

University of Eastern Finland, Joensuu.

– “Always too late. The inability / incompetence of the so-called international community to solve the geopolitical dynamics. Iconographies limiting the tools for solving the geopolitical crisis”, 7th International Symposium on Terrorism and Transnational Crime (UTSAS 2015 – “Global In/Security and Regional Geopolitics), Antalya, 4-6 December 2015.

– “The perception of the geopolitical role of Japan in comparison with the one of Europe”, October 2013, Kobe University and Kyushu State University, Japan; lecture for the PhD students.

– “Super-China” (2004), “The world geopolitical dynamics” (2006), public conferences in the Saison culturelle organized annually by the Municipality of Aosta.

– “Dalle Terre-calde alle Terre-rifugio. Riflessi geopolitici sul turismo” (From Hot-Lands to Shelter-Lands: Geopolitical Effects on Tourism), 1st International Conference, organized by Terrecalde Cultural Association, Naples, 12-15 September 2005.

-”Il test piu’ impegnativo per un’analisi geopolitica: Gerusalemme e il conflitto Israele/Palestina” (The most difficult test for a geopolitical analysis: Jerusalem and the Israeli/Palestine Conflict), International Conference on Jerusalem, organized by CISS, Palermo 29-31 January 2001.

-”China and the West (USA) about the Taiwan Issue: a dialogue between the deaf”, paper presented at the Conference ‘The People’s Republic of China towards the Third Millennium’, held in Cagliari, Italy, 5-7 December 2000.

-”China and Japan in the World Order”, paper presented at the International Workshop ‘The Changing World Political Map: Geopolitics at the End of the Twentieth Century’, held in Beer Sheva, Israel, 26-28 March 2000.

– “Prospettive di una nuova sfera economica: Cina meridionale, Hong Kong, Taiwan” (Perspectives of a New Economic Sphere: Southern China, Hong Kong, Taiwan), comunication at the International Seminar, held in the University of Messina, Italy, 5 – 6 Dec. 1996.


Cina e Giappone. Due modelli per il futuro dell’Asia (China and Japan. Two models for the future of Asia”), UTET, Turin, 2000.

“La geografia politica”, in Casari M., Corna Pellegrini G., Eva F., Elementi di geografia economica e politica, Carocci, Roma, 2003.

– “Geografia delle migrazioni”, in Homo Migrans, edited by E. Damiano, Franco Angeli, Milan, 1998, pp.415-471.

I mutamenti geopolitici contemporanei. Metodologie di studio e interpretazione. (Contemporary Geopolitical Dynamics. Study Methodologies and Interpretations), CUEM, Milan. 1997

Chapters in Edited Books and articles – Articles and contributions

Socia Gepgraphy:

– ‘RiMaflow autogestita: un esercizio di geografia sociale. Descrizione di un percorso mentale e fisico e della realizzazione di un ripensamento spaziale’;


‘La visione anticipatrice del ‘kilometro zero’ in Pëtr A. Kropotkin’,

‘Rocco e i suoi fratelli. Sullo sfondo l’Italia in trasformazione’,

‘Le percezioni spaziali dell’abitare: la città sradicata’ (La città sradicata, di Nausicaa Pezzoni),

in “Interstizi e novità: oltre il Mainstream. Esplorazioni di geografia sociale”, Geography Notebooks/Quaderni di Geografia, Vol 4 (2021) No 2.

Geopolitics and theory:

-(forthcoming) ‘L’état’, in Philippe Pelletier (ed), Abécédaire Reclus, les 101 mots d’Elisée, qui sera publié par Les Presses du Réel

– ‘Chiseigaku heno anakizumu teki apurochi’ (「地政学へのアナキズム的アプローチ」), litem for Encyclopedia of New Geopolitics,  Maruzen Publishing Co., Tokyo, translated from Italian by  Shinya Kitagawa, January 2020, pp. 548-451. The English version (longer) with the title ‘An anarchist approach in Geopolitics’ is on, Researchgate, and on the blog Anarchist Studies, 2018.

-‘Could the Pierre Loti’s vision be useful today? For remembering the past and reflecting on the future of the Mediterranean cultural environment’, in the Proceedings of the International Conference RIPAM-7, Genuaa, 20-23 Septembre 2018. Published online (2019) in the webpage of Franco Angeli Publishing House and in the one of RIPAM7 . Published also on and Reasearchgate.

– ‘Chiseigaku heno anakizumu teki apurochi’ (「地政学へのアナキズム的アプローチ」), item for the Encyclopedia of New Geopolitics,  Maruzen Publishing Co., Tokyo. The English version titled ‘An anarchist approach in Geopolitics’ was published online on, Researchgate, and on the blog Anarchist Studies, 2018.

-“La Cina protagonista del Climate Change” (31 dicembre 2015) e “-“La Cina protagonista del Climate Change” (China as leader in the Climate Change), in Fabio Massimo Parenti, Il Socialismo Prospero, Nova Europa, Milano, 2017, p.77-84.

-“Always too late. The Iconographies of the so-called International Community limiting the Tools for solving the International Crisis”, in Turkish Journal of Security Studies, vol. 18 (1), Polis Academisi, Ankara, Turkey, 2016, pp. 1-13.

-“La Cina protagonista del Climate Change” (China as leader in the Climate Change – 31st Decembre 2015) e “Le isole contese tra Cina  Giappone” (The disputed islands between China and Japan – 17th February and 4th March 2016), on the website Il Caffè Geopolitico,

– “Spazio fisico, autodeterminazione dei gruppi umani e stato-nazione: un rapporto ambiguo e fonte di conflitti” (Physical space, self-determination of human groups and Nation-state: an ambiguous relation and source of conflicts), in M.Marconi e P.Sellari (ed.), Verso un nuovo paradigma geopolitico. Raccolta di scritti in onore di Gianfranco Lizza. Tomo I – Tomo II. Aracne, Roma, June 2015

-”The Big Bang Theory: alieni in gabbia negli USA”(The Big Bang Theory: aliens in a cage in the USA), in Schermi Americani. Geografia e geopolitica degli Stati Uniti nelle serie televisive, (edited by Elena dell’Agnese e Fabio Amato), Unicopli, Milano, 2014, pp.243-255.

-“Da Zheng a Deng: le costanti dei due periodi di espansionismo cinese” (From Zheng to Deng: the permanent features of the two Chinese expansionism periods), in La rete planetaria della Cina, a cura di Mario Fumagalli, Maggioli, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), 2013. In the same book also the translation from French of parts of: Philippe Pelletier, L’Extrême-Orient. L’invention d’une histoire et d’une géographie, Gallimard, Paris, 2011, pp. 159-169, pp.183-190.

-“Caging/selfcaging: materiality and memes as tools for geopolitical analysis”, in Human Geography (edited by Richard Peet), Vol. 5, n. 3, Nov. 2012, pp. 1-14. Also available on SSRN and

– “Febbraio/aprile 2011. I quotidiani e la Libia: una guerra perfetta” (February/April 2011. The newspapers and Libya: a perfect war), in Geografia sociale e democrazia, edited by C.Cerreti, I.Dumont, M. Tabusi, Aracne, Rome, 2012. Proceedings of the French-Italian Seminar of Social Geography 30 March/1 April 2011, also published on line with the full ppt presentation (in French). Presented in English at a conference on Media and Middle East, University of Copenhagen, 4-6 Septermber 2011.

-“I confini del viaggiatore” (The borders of the traveler) , in the independent review Boite, N. 8 Spring 2011, Lissone (Mi).
– “Nient’altro che il potere come centro/pivot della storia e dello spazio?” (Nothing but the power as center/pivot of History and Space?), in A Pasquale Coppola. Raccolta di scritti, edited by Lida Viganoni in a tribute to Pasquale Coppola, Società Geografica Italiana, Vol.II, pp.659-669, Rome, 2010.

-“Cina e Giappone oggi: e domani?” (China and Japan today: and tomorrow?), in Nuova geografia delle macro regioni. L’Asia orientale si confronta con il mondo, edited by Mario Fumagalli, Maggioli Editore, Santarcangelo di Romagna (RN), 2009. Published also in Quaderni Asiatici, on line review of Centro di Cultura Italia-Asia “Guglielmo Scalise”, n.81, March 2008. And in Gli incontri. Conferenze 2005-06, edited by Guido Pagano for Fondazione Federico Chabod in Aosta, Tipografia Valdostana, 2008, pp.135-148.

– “Power as the Pivot of History”, in Ágora, v.13, n.2, jul./dez., EDUNIS, Santa Cruz do Sul (Brasile), 2007, pp. 43-57.

-“Italia-Cina: percezioni asimmetriche e dimensione geopolitica” (Italy-China: asymmetrical perceptions and geopolitical dimension), in Italia-Cina. Un incontro di lunga durata, edited by Lida Viganoni, Tiellemedia Editore, 2008. A first partial version was published on Cina Aperta, edited by Associazione Italia-Cina, Anno I, n. 2, 15 October 2006.
– “Insegnare la geopolitica alla Reclus”, in the Proceedings of the international conference held in Milan 12-13th October 2005. Edited by Marcella Schmidt, Milan-Bicocca University, 2006.
– “I confini flessibili delle culture”, in Geografia e culture. Studi in onore di Giacomo Corna Pellegrini, edited by Elisa Bianchi, Quaderni ACME, Cisalpino, Milan, 2006.
– “Attori protagonisti, attori non protagonisti, vittime o costruttori di nuove spazialità?”, in Questioni di Geografia Sociale, edited by D. Lombardi, Patron, Bologna, 2006.
– “Élisée Reclus: ideias úteis para análises geopolíticas contemporâneas”, verve, revista semestral autogestionária do Nu-Sol., 2005 –

– “Elisée Reclus: Useful concepts for use in contemporary geopolitical analysis”, in the Proceedings’ CD of the Colloque International Elisée Reclus et nos geographies, held in Lyon, 7-10th September 2005. Edited by Philippe Pellettier, Université Lyon 2.
– “Confini, Mondo, Europa: Elisée Reclus e gli altri”, in Confini e frontiere della nuova Europa, edited by E. dell’Agnese, E. Squarcina, UTET, Turin, 2005.
– “De Reclus a Feyerabend: utilizar el anarquismo para comprender a los seres humanos” (From Reclus to Feyerabend: using anarchism to understand the human beings), in the Proceedings’ CD of the 4th International Conference in Critical Geography, 8-12 January 2005, Mexico City.
– “Il lungo fiume e la grande diga delle Tre Gole”, in Quaderni Asiatici, Anno XXI, n.68, Dec. 2004, published by Centro di Cultura Italia-Asia “Guglielmo Scalise”, Milan, 2004.
– “Il contributo della geografia”, in L’area geostorico-sociale. Dalla ricerca ai curricoli, edited by S. Citterio e M. Salvarezza, Irre Lombardia – Franco Angeli, Milan, 2004, pp. 79-85.
– “Social Movements are Political Movements. What’s Geopolitics?”, in Geopolitics, Vol.9, n.2, Summer 2004, pp.478-483.
– “The geopolitical role of China: Crouching tiger, hidden dragon”, in the special issue edited by Calogero Muscarà (“In the steps of Jean Gottmann”) of the international review Ekistics, Vol. 70, n. 422/423, Sept./Oct. – Nov./Dec. 2003.
– “Lingua e regione, strumenti concettuali analitici della geopolitica” (Language and Region, conceptual, analitical tools of Geopolitics), in AA.VV, ‘Città Regione Territorio. Studi in memoria di Roberto Mainardi‘, Quaderni Acme 56, Cisalpino, Milano, 2003.
– “La présence italienne en Asie”, in ‘Asies Nouvelles‘, edited by M. Foucher, Belin, Paris, 2002.
– “The Geopolitical Importance od Eastern Europe for the European Union and Italy”, Proceedings of the international conference ‘Political Geography in the 21st Century – Understanding the Place – Looking Ahead‘, held in Gorizia (I)/Portorose (Slo), May 2000, special number of Geographica Slovenica, n.34/I, edited by A. Gosar, Ljubljana 2001.
– “La Macedonia e la questione dei corridoi” (Macedonia and the issue of the corridors), in ‘Geopolitiche dei Balcani‘, edited by E. dell’Agnese and E. Squarcina, Unicopli, Milan, 2002.
– “For a Europe of flexible regions and not of region-states divided by ethnicity”, in GeoJournal, vol.52, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL, 2000, p.295-301.
– “Back to the Future. Reclus versus Ratzel: from State Geopolitics to Human Geopolitics”, in Europe Between Political Geography and Geopolitics, edited by M.Antonsich, V.Kolossov, M.P.Pagnini, Memorie della Società Geografica Italiana, Volume LXIII, Società Geografica Italiana, Roma, 2001, pag.67-78.
– “La crisi asiatica ’97-’99: solo crisi economica o anche crisi socio-culturale?” (The Asian Crisis ’97-’99: only economic or also socio-cultural Crisis?), in Geopolitica e Geoeconomia dell’Oriente Estremo, edited by E. dell’Agnese, UTET, Torino, 2000.
– “China and Japan: Culture, Economics, and Geopolitics in the Quest for a Leading International Role”, in Geopolitics, Vol.5, No.3 (Winter 2000), Frank Cass, London, pag. 1-21.
– “Global Stability through Inequality or Peace Processes through Equality”, Special Issue di Geopolitics, ‘Geopolitics at the end of the Twentieth Century: the Changing Word Political Map’, Vol 4 (1), Summer 1999, Frank Cass Publishers, London, UK, pag.98-117. Also in book with the same title, Frank Cass Publishers, London, UK, 2000, pag. 98-117.
– “La crisi asiatica ’97-’99: solo crisi economica o anche crisi socio-culturale?”(The Asian Crisis ’97-’99, only economic crisis or also socio-cultural crisis?), in ‘Geopolitica e Geoeconomia dell’Oriente Estremo‘, edited by Elena dell’Agnese, UTET, Turin, 2000 .
– “China’s economic path to become a superpower”, in the book edited by Conti S. collecting the Italian contributes to the 29° IGU Conference, Seoul 13-18 August 2000, Società Geografica Italiana, Rome, 2000 .
– “Le patchwork des interconnexions géopolitiques autour de la Méditerranée”, in ‘Mare Nostrum. Dynamiques et mutations géopolitiques de la Méditerranée‘, edited by A-L. Sanguin, L’Harmattan, Paris, 2000.
– “La geografia come apprendimento: il concetto di spazio nell’area geostorico-sociale” (Geography as a way to learn: the concept of space in the geo-historic-social area”, in ‘La Geografia a scuola: una risposta formativa al bisogno di conoscere il mondo. Itinerari di area geostorico-sociale‘, edited by B.Rossi, ISU Univ. degli Studi-Milano, Milan , 2000.
– “Power as the Pivot of History”, in the Proceedings CD of the Colloque de Bordeaux Le Monde et la Centralité, held in Bordeaux April 2000.
– “La gerarchia dell’Ordine mondiale, una proposta di interpretazione” (The hierarchy in the World Order, a proposal of interpretation)”, in ‘La Geografia che cambia‘, Casari M. and Schiavi A. eds., ISU Univ. Cattolica, Milan , 1999.
– “Deconstructing Italy. (Northern) Italians and their new perception of territoriality”, in GeoJournal, vol.48, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Dordrecht, NL, 1999.
– “Global Stability through Inequality Versus Peace Processes Through Equality”, special issue of Geopolitics titled ‘Geopolitics at the End of the Twentieth Century: the Changing World Political Map’; Vol 4, n.1, Part 1: ‘Geopolitics and Globalisation’, Frank Cass Publishers, London, UK, Summer 1999.
– “Prospettive di una nuova sfera economica: Cina meridionale, Hong Kong, Taiwan” (Perspectives of a New Economic Sphere:
Southern China, Hong Kong, Taiwan), Atti del Seminario Internazionale “L’oriente asiatico nello scenario del terzo millennio”, Messina 5-6 dicembre 1996, Volume LX delle Memorie della Società Geografica Italiana, a cura di M.T. Di Maggio, Società Geografica Italiana, Rome, 1999.
– “International Boundaries, Geopolitics and the (Post)Modern Territorial Discourse: The Functional Fiction”, in the book edited by Newman D., ‘Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity‘, Frank Cass Publishers, London, UK, 1999.
– “South or East? Europe’s dilemma in its search for preferential geopolitical and geoeconomic relations”, in The Arab World Geographer, Vol.II, no.1, pp.56-69, Spring 1999.
– “Rapporti dell’Australia con il resto del mondo”(The Relations of Australia with the Rest of the World) in the book edited by Corna Pellegrini G. and Gentilli J., ‘Australia alle soglie del 2000‘ (Australia on the Threshold of 2000), Unicopli, Milan, 1999.
– “Il fenomeno della globalizzazione nella realtà contemporanea” (The globalisation in the current world situation) in the book edited by Podini W., ‘Portare il mondo a scuola‘, CRES Edizioni Lavoro, Milan, 1999.
– “International Boundaries, Geopolitics and the (Post)Modern Territorial Discourse: The Functional Fiction”, Special Issue of Geopolitics Journal ‘Boundaries, Territory and Postmodernity’, Vol.3, no.1, Summer 1998, Frank Cass, London, UK.
– “Il rapporto dinamico locale/globale, nuovo spazio per vecchie idee” (The dynamic relationship between local and global, new space for old fashion ideas), in Geotema n.9, ‘La nuova regionalità’, Anno III, n.3, p.104-109, Patron, Bologna, 1998.
– “Geografia delle migrazioni” ( Geography of Migrations) in the book edited by Damiano E., ‘Homo Migrans‘ , Franco Angeli, Milan, 1998.
– “Future Directions in Asia-Pacific: Political and Economic Community or Competitive Fragmentation?”
– “The NICs and the Special Economic Zones of China: From Four to Five Asian Tigers”
– “The Self-Excluded States: North Korea and Myanmar (Burma)”
in ‘Global Geopolitical Change and Asia-Pacific‘ , edited by Dennis Rumley and others, Avebury Ed., Aldershot (England), 1996. Japanese Edition, 1998.
– “The unlikely independence of Northern Italy” (L’improbabile indipendenza dell’Italia del Nord), GeoJournal 43: 61-75, Sept. 1997, Kluwer Academic Publishers, Netherlands.
– “I rapporti economici e politici con il resto del mondo” (Economic and Political Relations with the Rest of the World) in the book edited by Corna Pellegrini G. and Hongsoon Han T., ‘La strada coreana. Dalla modernizzazione alla democrazia in Corea del Sud e in Asia orientale, ‘ (The Korean Way. From Modernization to Democracy in South Korea and in Eastern Asia.), Unicopli, Milan,1997.
– “La logica del territorio/patria e del confine nella pratica del viaggio all’estero”(The Logic of the Territory/Homeland in the Travels abroad), in Annali del Turismo Internazionale, Vol.II, n.2, anno 96/97, Comunicazione 90, Milan.
– (with Bianchi E., Cesa-Bianchi M., Colucci F., Corna Pellegrini G.), “Social Perception and environmental Change”, in Cori B., Vallega A., (editors), ‘Human Dimension of Regional Changes. The Case of Mediterranean’, Bollettino della Società Geografica Italiana, Rome – Serie XII, vol. I, 1996.
– “La Cina del 2000, una tigre gigantesca accanto ai quattro N. I.C.”
– “La Russia Pacifica”
– “Gli autoesclusi – Corea del Nord e Myanmar-Birmania”
– “Tendenze future nell’area dell’Asia-Pacifico:comunità politica ed economica oppure frammentazione competitiva?”,
in ‘Oriente Estremo, nuove geopolitiche nell’Asia Orientale‘, edited by G. Corna Pellegrini (Università degli Studi di Milano), Unicopli, Milan, 1995.
– “Giappone, Cina ed i cambiamenti geopolitici nell’Asia Pacifica”, Rivista Geografica Italiana, Annata CI, Fasc. 4, dic. 1994, pp. 607-618.
– “Geografia contro il potere” article for the anarchic quarterly review Volontà (Ed. Volontà – Milan), n.4/92 , special issue on Geography, titled “Geografia senza confini” (Geography without Borders).
– “Educazione allo sviluppo e questione ambientale” (Education to Development and Environmental Question), ICEI, Milan, 1989.

– I.G.U./U.G.I. : International Geographical Union, individual corresponding member
– (until 2012) Editorial Board of the International Review ‘The Arab World Geographer’
– Editorial Board of the International Review ‘Geography Research Forum’
– (until 31st December 2008) Editorial Board of the International Review ‘Geopolitics’
– (until 2009) A.Ge.I.: Associazione dei Geografi Italiani (Italian Geographers Association)
– (until 2009) A.I.I.G.: Associazione Italiana Insegnanti di Geografia (Italian Association of Geography Teachers)
– (until 2007) C.E.S.P.I. (Centro Studi Problemi Internazionali), member of the Scientific Board
– (until 2009) I.C.E.I. (Istituto di Cooperazione Economica Internazionale), member of the Scientific Board

– Political Geography, World Geopolitical Dynamics and Cultural Globalization.
– Economic and Political Geography in the Pacific Rim, China, Japan, Asian Tigers.
– Ethno-nationalism, Self-determination, Federalism, Separatism, Nationalism and the role of the State-Nation.
– Borders, Frontiers, Borderlines.
– Elisée Reclus, Piotr Kropotkin and the ethical, anarchic point of view about the use and the partition of the territory by human groups.
Prof. Vladimir Kolossov, former President of the IGU (International Geographical Union), Institute of Geography, Russian Academy of Science, Staromonetny per. 29, Moscow 109017, Russia. Phone ++ 7 095 2381877. Fax ++ 7 095 2302090. Email:

Prof. John O’Loughlin, Institute of Behavioral Science, University of Colorado, Boulder CO. 80309 – 0487, USA. Phone ++1 303 492 1619, fax ++1 303 492 3609. Email :

Professor David Newman, Dept. of Geography, Dept. of Politics & Government, Ben Gurion University of the Negev, Israel. Phone: ++ 972-7-6472016 (office) ++ 972-7-6518540 (home) Fax: ++ 972-7-6472821 (office) POB 653, Beer Sheva, Israel, 84105.

Prof. Alexander Murphy, emeritus, Dept. of Geography, University of Oregon, Eugene OR. 97403, USA. Phone ++ 1 503 346 4571, fax ++ 1 503 346 2067. Email :

Fabrizio Eva, born in Carrara (MS), Italy, 6 June 1949
via Bergamo 16 – 20135 Milano, Italy
phone :